- All parents must complete a registration form when joining the school with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history.
- A copy of primary and emergency contact numbers will be kept at reception.
- Is it the parents’ responsibility to notify the school of any changes to their details.
- In case of a fire emergency, all teachers have a clear understanding of procedures to follow.
- The school will undertake regular risk assessments regarding our premises.
- The school has a fully equipped first aid box within the building and if an accident occurs and accident report must be given.
- There is always an up to date First Aider in the building.
- If required, the school will contact emergency services and then the parent/ guardian of the student involved.
- Parents understand that dance is an active sport and injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries via any means other than a teacher’s negligence.
- Pupils will be supervised at all times during class time, parents/ carers must ensure the safety of their children in car park and other areas.
- Students/ Parents or guardians should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participation in class.
- Parents must be responsible for ensuring your child’s punctuality.
- Dress code must be observed at all times for safe dance practise.
- Pupils should not wear any jewellery that may pose a risk to themselves or others.
- No food (including chewing gum) is allowed in studios. Water is permitted in cap bottle.
- No child will be allowed to leave the studios with anyone other than a parent or guardian unless confirmed with teacher prior to class.
I just wanted to give a little positive feedback from Lolas classes. Miss Emily and Miss Kate are amazing and engage the children so brilliantly. Mum of Lola, aged 6